Ключови думи :
Софтуерни агенти, Game базирано обучение, Виртуално образование пространство, Е-обучение, JADEАбстракт
Документът представя софтуерен архитектурен проект на прототип, който ще бъде използван в рамките на вече съществуващото пространство за виртуално образование, което е част от образователния портал DeLC. Самата архитектура осигурява добър начин за изграждане на образователна игра със софтуерни агенти с използване на рамката JADE
Данните за свалянията все още не са налични.
Литература (библиография)
1. S. Stoyanov, H. Zedan, E. Doychev, V. Valkanov, I. Popchev, G. Cholakov and M. Sandalski, Intelligent Distributed eLearning Architecture, V. M. Koleshko (Ed.), Intelligent Systems, InTech, March, 2012, 978-953-51-0054-6, Hard cover, 366 pages, pp. 185-218.
2. S.Stoyanov, I.Popchev, Evolutionary Development of an Infrastructure Supporting the Transition from CBT to e-Learning, Cyberbetics and Information Technologies (CIT), 2/2006, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 101-114.
3. S. Stoyanov, A Virtual Space Supporting eLearning, Proceedings of the Forty Fifth Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians Pleven, April 6–10, 2016, 72-82
4. Ganchev I., S. Stojanov, M. O’Droma, D. Meere, “An InfoStation-Based University Campus System Supporting Intelligent Mobile Services”. Journal of Computers (JCP, ISSN1796-203X), Vol. 2, No. 3, Academy Publisher, May 2007 , Pp. 21-33.
5. S. Stoyanov, A Virtual Space Supporting eLearning, Proceedings of the Forty Fifth Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians Pleven, April 6–10, 2016, 72-82
6. С. Стоянов, И. Попчев, DeLC – минало, настояще, бъдеще, пленарен доклад, Международна конференция „From DeLC to VelSpace”, 26-28 март 2014, Пловдив, ISBN: 0-9545660-2-5.
7. Д. Орозова, С. Стоянов, И. Попчев, Виртуално образователно пространство, Научна конференция с международно участие „Знанието – източник на иновации“, БСУ, 14-15 юни, 2013, ISBN 978-954-9370-99-7, 153-159.
8. Marc Prensky, Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants. From On the Horizon, MCB University Press, Vol. 9 No. 5, October 2001.
9. Steven Isaacs, The Difference between Gamification and Game-Based Learning, January 15, 2015.
10. John Hunter, World Peace and Other 4th-Grade Achievements, 2013.
11. Patricia Wastiau (coordination), Caroline Kearney, Wouter Van den Berghe, How are digital games used in schools? , May 2009.
2. S.Stoyanov, I.Popchev, Evolutionary Development of an Infrastructure Supporting the Transition from CBT to e-Learning, Cyberbetics and Information Technologies (CIT), 2/2006, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 101-114.
3. S. Stoyanov, A Virtual Space Supporting eLearning, Proceedings of the Forty Fifth Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians Pleven, April 6–10, 2016, 72-82
4. Ganchev I., S. Stojanov, M. O’Droma, D. Meere, “An InfoStation-Based University Campus System Supporting Intelligent Mobile Services”. Journal of Computers (JCP, ISSN1796-203X), Vol. 2, No. 3, Academy Publisher, May 2007 , Pp. 21-33.
5. S. Stoyanov, A Virtual Space Supporting eLearning, Proceedings of the Forty Fifth Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians Pleven, April 6–10, 2016, 72-82
6. С. Стоянов, И. Попчев, DeLC – минало, настояще, бъдеще, пленарен доклад, Международна конференция „From DeLC to VelSpace”, 26-28 март 2014, Пловдив, ISBN: 0-9545660-2-5.
7. Д. Орозова, С. Стоянов, И. Попчев, Виртуално образователно пространство, Научна конференция с международно участие „Знанието – източник на иновации“, БСУ, 14-15 юни, 2013, ISBN 978-954-9370-99-7, 153-159.
8. Marc Prensky, Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants. From On the Horizon, MCB University Press, Vol. 9 No. 5, October 2001.
9. Steven Isaacs, The Difference between Gamification and Game-Based Learning, January 15, 2015.
10. John Hunter, World Peace and Other 4th-Grade Achievements, 2013.
11. Patricia Wastiau (coordination), Caroline Kearney, Wouter Van den Berghe, How are digital games used in schools? , May 2009.
Файлове за сваляне
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Компютърни науки и комуникации - рецензирани публикации. ISSN: 1314-7846
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