Ключови думи :
ENTSO-E, Energy system, Cross-Border Physical Flow, Balancing Energy, EVN, ENTSO-EАбстракт
In the 1990s, when most national markets for electricity and gas were still monopolized, the European Union and the Member States decided to gradually open those markets to competition. The first liberalization directives (first energy package) were adopted in 1996 (electricity) and 1998 (natural gas), and had to be transposed into the legal systems of the Member States by 1998 (electricity) and 2000 ( natural gas). The second energy package was adopted in 2003 and its directives had to be transposed into national law by the Member States by 2004, with some provisions coming into force only in 2007. Industrial consumers and households were already able to choose their suppliers natural gas and electricity from a wider range of competitors. In April 2009, a third legislative package was adopted to further liberalize the internal market for electricity and gas, which amended the second legislative package and was a milestone for the completion of the internal energy market.
All these changes, as well as momentary factors, have affected the processes of electricity exchange between European countries.
Литература (библиография)
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